...If I didn't know any better I'd think it was November!
It's hard to believe that October has already come and gone. It was a busy month in my life. Not only did I work like a dog subbing, but I also got everything moved out of the apartment and into either storage or my new home (Steve's house). The 31st was closing day on the apartment, it was a great relief to say goodbye and be done with it. I am practically all settled into my new home and enjoying it tremendously! Steve and I have a great time living together with our dogs.. as I've probably mentioned before, our life seems like quite the circus at times, but we definitely wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.
November has brought a big event.. Brody's 20th birthday! Holy cow! I can hardly believe that either. Seems like just yesterday we were riding bikes up and down the gravel road racing to see who could make the longest skid mark in the gravel with our breaks. I truly hope for nothing short of the best for Brody, he's an amazing guy and deserves a good year!
November has also already brought a lot of work for me. I have been subbing every day, and have found that I truly despise working in middle school... and have also found out (the hard way- I might add) that I should not take middle school subbing jobs! Just a little side note to keep for myself at a later date, in case I should attempt it again- Someone please kindly remind me not to! I have subbed a few days back in Camas, but unfortunately (* and fortunately) at the newer schools. I have not been back to visit any of my former schools, but have had the opportunity to run into and work with some of my old teachers. It's nice to see familiar faces and be remembered.
Izzy girl has gotten big! She's growing like a weed to say the least! She has another shot appointment here in a week or so, I am curious to find out how much she weights now. Her and Zeus love to destroy tennis balls and fight over toys constantly. It's funny how neither of them are interested in a toy, until one of them has it, then suddenly they both HAVE to have it! I guess this is a good precursor before we decide that children are a near possibility... good practice as many have told me...