Tuesday, May 17, 2011


That's right folks, we've been engulfed... in what? You may be asking.... well let us tell you!

We had a great time hosting a Mother's Day lunch at our house. Keep in mind this is the house that hosts just us two on a daily basis with our lovely furry critters and at times THAT feels crowded. Add in two Mothers, a sister, a brother, and great grandmother and a nephew... Our kitchen table wasn't sure what to do!! We had a delicious pot of homemade baked potato soup with salad and bread too. Yum! {Recipe to follow}

Here are some pictures from our lovely event:

We also took a trip out to The Rusty Grape Winery to show off the venue of our upcoming vows. We took Sabrina's parents out there to see what it is all about. It was a fun night and we felt proud to show the lovely place we'd chosen.

We also celebrated Grammy's 98th birthday! Yes, that's right, 98! Wowza! She is one remarkable lady!

She was able to enjoy a lot of company that day, including her 3 grandsons, and some delicious (if I do say so myself) Red Velvet Cupcakes! {made by yours truly} Yum Yum!

Grammy with her 3 Grandsons.

We've also been busy setting up our spare room and hauling the rest of our belongings from Sabrina's mom's house to our house. Remember when I mentioned in a past post a remark about a garage sale this summer... Yep! Definitely in order! 

Work is slowing down for Sabrina, as the school year is coming to a close. We're keeping our chin up though and hoping for the best. In the mean time... she'll be engulfed in the house. .::Be sure to come check on me if I don't appear in public for a while!::.