Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Busy Bee (s)!!

Phew! Lately I feel like we have not even had a chance to breathe.. What does Steve look like again?!.. and the sad part is that for the next week and a half it's only going to get worse. We wrapped up a garage sale this past weekend, ended up getting rid of a lot of stuff (crap as I like to call it) and made a bit of extra money.. all in all I'd say it was worth the hard work and heat. We still have a few things left that I busily have been posting to craigslist to try and get rid of, and thankfully Steve's mom is having a garage sale in a few weeks so she is willing to put the rest of our stuff (crap) in her sale and attempt to get the last bits GONE! What a sigh of relief!!I cannot tell you how wonderful it feels to walk out in to the garage and see the floor in areas that I was beginning to wonder if there even was a floor! Now let's get these last bits gone and get that garage organized!!

Steve's dad is coming to visit at the end of next week and I have been busily trying to get the spare room and office organized and cleaned, mainly so he has a place to sleep, but more importantly so he doesn't think I am a complete slob. My idea of cleaning some days is to just make piles and for some reason those piles just keep getting shuffled around and around.. hmm.. I think I need to figure out a better method.

August means only one thing in this house-- Clark County Fair-- Steve works A LOT of shifts and is gone A LOT and I tend to miss him A LOT.. it makes for a very long week or so and when it's over, every year I feel the same sense of relief. Like I said, I'm beginning to wonder if I even remember what he looks like. Most of the shifts he works allows him to come crawl into bed at some ungodly hour of the morning and then get up to work his day job a few short hours later. Like I said.. busy busy.

After the wedding, Steve and I invested in some canning tools. Since we've been so busy with the garage sale I haven't even had time to think about WHAT I want to can, let alone HOW to do it.. That is close to the top of my to-do list.

I have been searching craigslist for a sewing machine for probably months now, and I finally found one!! I bought it for $25 and the lady said it had never been used. I am dying to make some pillow covers, curtains, and aprons. (Do you get the sense that people are going to be getting homemade Christmas gifts this year?!) Steve also found a whole box of tiles in the attic.. YES!! I was planning on taking a trip to Home Depot to get some in order to make us some new coasters, but now I have a ton of them at my disposal!! I can't wait!! (again, do you sense homemade Chirstmas gifts this year?!) Now I just need to tackle my to-do list so I can have some fun, work before play..

It's official! Most of my things are changed over to Sabrina Thornton!! Who knew this would be so exciting and such hard work!! Lots of sitting on hold, lots of sitting in lines and lots of driving around. Thankfully though I think I am close to the end of this whole ordeal. and I just love pulling out a card from my wallet or getting something in the mail that says SABRINA THORNTON!! Makes me smile.

Remember that To-Do list I mentioned earlier?? ......... Until next time!
