Last night I finally broke down and watched Marley & Me. I don't really know why I avoided it for so long, other then the fact that I knew I needed to watch it alone because it was going to be a sob fest that would require a huge box of tissues... and boy was I right! It is truly such a cute movie and is so true to life with a pet and kiddos and all of the things you have to deal with. Needless to say... I really REALLY REALLY want a dog!!!
I also am suddenly hooked on "Tori and Dean- Home Sweet Hollywood." I came across it the other day when there was nothing else to watch on TV, and I am honestly hooked! I love watching it! I want to rent and watch the entire first season--I even went out to see if I could rent it yesterday, but sadly blockbuster did not have it.. Do they not know that I have a new obsession that needs to be met RIGHT NOW!!! haha. oh the things that reality TV can do to a girl.--even though I'm generally not a "reality junkie" but hey it's summer time and that means it's all about guilty pleasures right?! So I suppose that must mean that I have to admit that while I write this, I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee and watching.. yes... Tori and Dean... shh....
Ok so now for the real blog... (I feel I owe a "real" one since I have been neglecting my new endeavor lately)
I have been adjusting to the "I've graduated, now what?" life pretty nicely. I've been subbing everyday... that's right EVERYDAY!! and I love it! Some days have been easier then others, but I am still enjoying myself, and I'm completely exhausted by the end of the days/weeks. I've been searching for somewhere to work for the summer, but sadly I think this summer is going to be spent unemployed. I've been reading tons of great books-- you know the ones that you want to skip work just to read. I've also caught myself thinking a lot about my future. Where I will end up, what I'll be doing, who will be along for the ride with me, etc. It's strange, but I had a feeling that all this was coming. Oh the joys of becoming a Big Kid.
On Friday June 12th, I am heading into my classroom for the first time in what seems like ages (even though it's only been a matter of weeks). I feel that i've neglected them, but Ms. Hunter does need to make some dinero! As I called to talk to my mentor teacher (Joanne) she let me know that when I come on Friday to visit, the kids are throwing me a graduation party! Isn't that just about the cutest thing you've ever heard of!?! She said that the kids have been asking about me constantly and wondering where I am and why I'm not there with them. She said she had to explain to them that I was off working and making money... she said they were highly offended that I was "hanging out" with other kids. haha!
*I'll be sure to give you an update with my party!
Love ♥
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