Speaking of puppy... Izzy is getting huge! Steve and I can hardly believe how big she has gotten!

We've been working really hard to kennel train her, and as of recently the barking seems to have subsided a bit... Keep your fingers crossed for us! She has been doing pretty well with potty training, however when her parents are lazy and ignore the barks at the door, she punishes us by dropping a poop bomb in the living room. Excellent!
Last week was a pretty slow work week for me. I worked 2 days, but also had 3 interviews--One for Camas, one for Hockinson, and one for Vancouver. They all hired me for subbing. So all together I am now subbing for La Center, Ridgefield, Hockinson, Battle Ground, Evergreen, Vancouver and Camas. I think that just about covers this entire area, don't you? This coming week however I am completely booked up, including 2 days at my placement school from last year- Truman, and two days in a Special Ed classroom. It will be nice to be at my old school and be with familiar faces as well as have the possibility of running into some old students. I have also gotten wind of a full time sub position at Truman. The new second grade teacher is pregnant, and they are asking me to take the position of her long term substitute starting in February. I would be back working with my old team of teachers and it would mean steady (and more) income through the end of school year.
Things with Steve and I are going very well.. so well that we are moving in together. We went last week and canceled my lease for the apartment and I will be living at his house. Our new location will be in Salmon Creek. It is already a very nice change and we are loving the new arrangements. Now the only stress is making sure that we get everything out of the apartment and either into the house or into the storage unit by the 31st.
This weekend has left me feeling a bit under the weather, not sure if it was something I ate or a touch of the flu. So yesterday was a day of rest in bed while Steve was at work, and today is a day of trying to curb my appetite with things that settle well and watching some football with my insanely football crazed man... yes Steve I am talking about you. ♥
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