Our one project, the only one left, for this summer was to redo our back yard. Formerly known as the Zeus Potty Zone, it is now a "no- dog- ever- pottying- here- again- zone"!!!
It started with a few weekends, who am I kidding, months of planning, discussing, analyzing, planning, putting off.. well you get the idea. We got started last weekend, but didn't get very far. Let's just say... lots of trips to Home depot and places of the like, buying things, returning things, it consumed a lot of time we didn't account for.
Here's what she started out as..
Please ignore my face hiding in the corner... see I'm deep in thought...
We cleared out old cement bricks, attempted to level out parts of it, pulled up roots and power washed the very neglected patio.
We even had a supervisor.
Let me just say.. power-washing is my new favorite hobby. I love the instant gratification you get from it!! Now don't go getting any ideas.. I'm not up for hire.. just yet that is.. hmm.. maybe I should start a business..
Anyways back on track...
Hubby was so kind as to build me 2 raised bed garden boxes!! (I knew I loved him for a reason!)
Isn't he so handy?! And handsome too I might add!
After this last weekend, we were able to get a load (or 2) of dirt, and a load of gravel. Our back yard is now complete!!! I even stopped and bought us a fire pit to go back there!
What a transformation!!! I'm so proud of my hubby for all his hard work, and for putting up with me and my indecisiveness. (Love you!!)
I love looking at the before and after right next to each other.. such a great sense of accomplishment!
All is a day's work.. err.. a couple weekend's work.
Now we can relax this summer.. until I conjure up another project that is... shh.. don't tell Steve.