Yes that's right, me, the girl who loves rain.. is officially saying I'm Ready For Spring!!! I need a little sunshine in my life, and I need to be able to walk outside for more then 2 seconds and without getting completely drenched. In the meantime however, while it still decided to pour outside, I am on spring break. And instead of laying out sunbathing somewhere much warmer and sunnier, I have made a list of things to clean/clean-out. Can anyone say "spring cleaning"??
Let's see if I can actually stick to my list though.
Here's a few examples from my list (maybe it will help keep me accountable??)
-Clean out "cleaning closet" (makes a whole lot of sense right?!)
-Clean and organize office-- this is quite the task, believe me. Maybe some before/after photos? oooh that'd be so embarrassing to share..
-Clean out bathroom cabinet
-Make new coasters for living room (our current ones still have penguins dressed in scarves on them..)
-Make dog treats
If weather permits:
-Weed front yard
-Paint pots in back yard
-Replant house plants in different pots
I love making lists.. I love the feeling of being able to cross things off and see all that I have accomplished. Here's to hoping I get to cross a whole lot off!
On another note.. yesterday was day one of spring break, here's how it went down.
Day 1
The morning started off with saying goodbye to my hubby for 24 hours. (He was on shift at the fire station.) Then what's a girl to do?! Why go thrift shopping with her mom for the day, what else?! Although I'd love to be able to tell you that we found some great bargains, I however sadly cannot. We did, however, get lost quite a bit, had a lot of laughs, found some great books and a few other odds and ends.
I came home after our shopping excursion to an empty house and dogs that appeared and acted as if I had starved them for days before returning. I did my nightly duty of feeding them and taking them outside to do their duties. (by the way, I managed to do this in between rain storms!!! is it sad that that is quite the excitement and accomplishment lately!? Hence the spring fever I suppose..)
I then sat down to a piece of leftover pizza for dinner and managed to meal plan for 2 weeks and make a grocery list. Then it was time for me to head off to the ol' grocery store. While grocery shopping, apparently I managed to miss yet another massive rain storm. Yay me!
Then it was home to unload, put away and clean up the mess I had made. Is it time for bed yet?!
Remember when I said my day started with saying goodbye to my hubby?? Well that also meant that it would be completely acceptable to go to bed early right?! Wrong... I ended up finding other odds and ends that needed to be picked up or cleaned before hosting a birthday dinner the following day.
By days end, I was exhausted. I put the dogs to bed, got myself ready and imagined a restful nights sleep. Wrong again. I have such an issue sleeping when Steve is gone. I think the dogs do too. They pace, scratch, lick and anything else they can think to do to keep me awake. (Keep in mind, I write this as Steve and Izzy are taking a restful nap.. Nice huh? I kid... I know they need it and my mind is way too busy to nap..)
Quite an eventful day one. Day two holds a birthday dinner, massive cleaning of our house (before said dinner), and other various adventures.
Oh spring break.. you keep me so busy..
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