I wish I could start out this blog with a fabulous report of my fantastically exciting holiday weekend, however I cannot. I won't lie to you, I had been looking forward to The 4th Of July for quite some time. There is something about BBQ's, beers and fireworks that makes me feel like the summer is finally off to a start. I did experience these things, however not quite as planned. I am not going to have a pity party about it, because frankly- it's over. Instead I am going to tell you that I am looking forward to a fun filled week. And introduce you to my mini-rant...
Let's begin with a question... Since when did it become ok to not act with others feelings in mind? Apparently I didn't get the memo that said, "People no longer have feelings, they don't care if you blow them off, they don't care if you are rude, they love to be walked all over, and totally dig it if you act like you never did any of these things." I wish I had gotten the memo, because I would have been properly warned, however I along with everyone else who did not receive this memo, have lived without the proper knowledge that my world is about to be turned into something that I, have in fact, decided never to be a part of-- and am proud of that fact. Get where I'm going here? I was raised with many thoughts placed into my head, but this one is the most important:: "Treat Others How You Wish To Be Treated." Am I the only one that was raised this way?! I sure hope not, but I am beginning to lose hope. Don't worry, I still intend to treat others fabulously, in hopes that I will soon be treated in that same sense. I have not given up all hope, and will never change who I am or how I am towards others.
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