As I wait for the official word on my move date, I have become quite the procrastinator. Not only has it been HOT, but I have also found other things I would much rather do. For example, I just finished a book. It was called Swimsuit By James Patterson. Let me tell you... SO AMAZING! Highly recommended!! Not only are his books highly dramatic, but they have this way to them that makes you NEVER want to put them down!
July 24, 2009: The Puppies Are Born!!! That's right, I am a new mama & will be able to take my baby home in about 8 weeks. Here's the break down: 2 black boys, 2 black girls, 2 blonde girls, 1 golden boy and 2 white blonde boys. 10 were born in total, but 1 died. Whitney sent me a picture of the two blonde girls and my heart just melted! More to come.
This past weekend was Camas Days. I went to enjoy the parade with part of the family. It was fun, hot and crowded; the usual scenario for Camas Days. Here are some pictures:

Seeing this kiddo with his grocery bag, pacing back and forth, waiting for the parade to start shot me straight back into childhood. Except instead of other older kids stealing candy from us, we helped the kids out and gave them all the things that were thrown our way.

Like I said, it was hot and crowded.

Let the parade begin!
Talk about people.
This years theme was Pirates. It was fun seeing all the kiddos dressed up in the parade.

But I decided that this was the life I wanted to have.
Mom likes to pick on us. We glare back.
Little did we know that they'd be giving away free T-P. We had to run over to Safeway to get a bag so that way we'd have more free hands.
Overall, Camas Days was well... Camas Days. It was nice being out and about with family. Fighting crowds is always a good bonding experience.
Yesterday I went to leave to head over to my mom's house for our usual Sunday dinner. I opened my apartment door, hands full and ready to start up the AC in the car, when a little kitten ran into my apartment. I asked him where he was from, unfortunately he did not answer. I didn't have the heart to throw him back out into the heat. So I gave him water and made a few phone calls. After walking up and down to my different neighbors hoping one of them would claim him, he decided to have a nice nap.
Needless to say, this little guy still resides in my apartment. I have posted signs, and have not received any phone calls. Let me know if you'd like to claim him. Until then, I guess we just hang out in the heat together.
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