Friday, December 11, 2009
It isn't always easy...
Steve and I signed up for a Scuba Diving class a few weeks back. We both completed the written part of the class and this last week was the first couple classes at the pool working with equipment and being in the water. It was an interesting experience to say the least. To say it bluntly, I had quite a difficult time getting comfortable with the situation and this prevented me from relaxing and being able to accomplish what I was supposed to accomplish. I am going to hold off on the class (Steve is continuing) and I hope that possibly someday in the future I can work up the nerve to try again.
The weather has been a bit on the chilly side lately (and that's putting it lightly!). Our doggies have been living a life of luxury lately because of it. They have enjoyed being brought inside to sleep and get cozy (normally they sleep in their kennels in the garage--however it is far too cold out there in my opinion). It's funny how we all get ourselves into a routine in order to make sure that our nights and mornings go smoothly. I have to say.. it makes me smile!
Our house is all decorated (well mostly). We have lights outside, our tree is up with lights and decorations, we've got a few other things around and now all we need is the smell of baking to fill the house! One week left of work and I can begin to focus on my favorite holiday past-time--aside from eating--baking! YUM YUM! *and I know Steve can't wait either! ♥
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Long Time, No See
Work: Lately work has kept me feeling very overwhelmed. I've been working everyday (pretty much) except for a day here and there, one for being sick--which I am thankful to my body for fighting off very quickly, unlike many of those around me. I've been getting around to a variety of schools and grades, but was thankful to spend most of the month of November back at my student teaching school- Truman Elementary. It was fun being with familiar faces and seeing my students from last year. November also brought a long weekend for Thanksgiving (which wasn't a help to the paycheck, but was helpful to the soul--I think I needed it). December brings a 2 week vacation, and I suppose more help for the soul with some much needed time in the kitchen (holiday baking!!!).
Brother: Brody came home for Thanksgiving! He was home for about a week or so. It was nice seeing him and spending time with him over the holiday. He returned to Montana this past Monday and said he was glad to return. We're all hoping to see him again for Christmas.
Thanksgiving: Boy oh boy, who knew one holiday could be so busy?! Not me! Guess that's what happens when you inherit another family. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Steve and I went out to my dad's house for dinner. The evening was spent with lots of talk about guns and hunting, and chowing down on some good food. Wednesday also meant a quick stop on the way home at my mom's house to help prep the turkey for the next dinner. Thursday (as I like to remember it as T-Day!) was filled with lots of travel and food. The morning started off with Steve and I over at my mom's house, dogs in tow as well. He watched football, while I helped cook dinner/lunch--whatever you want to call it. Uncle Dave and Natalie came down to spend time with us. Our dogs (Izzy and Zeus) loved being over at 'Grandma's' House and seeing new people. After the meal at my mom's house, we packed up our little family and headed over to Steve's mom's house for another splendid Thanksgiving meal. By the end of the night, I was exhausted-- not sure if it was because of the busy day or because of all the turkey, either way, I got a good nights sleep--until it was time to get up again for BLACK FRIDAY!
Black Friday: was it just me, or did it seem like black Friday was not nearly as crazy as it normally is?? I got up in the morning (granted it was not as early as most crazy people) and hit the stores. To me, there were not as many good buys this year, but I did manage to get a few things out of the way as far as Christmas presents go.
Dogs: Izzy is growing like a weed! She has her big girl teeth coming in and everything. She is currently all done with her puppy shots, and had her first rabies vaccination. My how time flies. Now the big question is whether or not we want to breed her...?? Kennel training is going well, she still has some issues with holding her piddle all night/day. This means... a lovely 2 am wake up call to take her out-- just until she gets the hang of it. Hopefully this wake up call with be pushed further and further ahead so that it meets my actual wake up time. Yesterday while looking at the weather forecast, we realized that it was going to get down to freezing at night (and boy did it ever!) We decided to bring the dogs in at night for a trial run. Zeus slept on his bed at the end of our bed, and we brought Izzy's kennel into our bedroom for her to sleep in. She was surprisingly a good girl throughout the night! We only woke up once to her at about 4 in the morning (aside from the 2 am potty time). She was whining a lot and we tried to just ignore her so she would go back to sleep, but then a few minutes later, she decided to have a mini vomit episode. Being the wonderful parents (hardy har har) that Steve and I are, we knew just what her noises meant and both shot out of bed. Lovely, just lovely!
Life has been crazy lately, but I suppose that it no different then normal. This upcoming weekend we are going to (hopefully) get a Christmas tree and decorate the house.
'Tis the Season! ♥
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Apples, Pumpkins, Red and Orange Leaves... Cold feet, Stuffy Noses and Lack of sleep...
It's hard to believe that October has already come and gone. It was a busy month in my life. Not only did I work like a dog subbing, but I also got everything moved out of the apartment and into either storage or my new home (Steve's house). The 31st was closing day on the apartment, it was a great relief to say goodbye and be done with it. I am practically all settled into my new home and enjoying it tremendously! Steve and I have a great time living together with our dogs.. as I've probably mentioned before, our life seems like quite the circus at times, but we definitely wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world.
November has brought a big event.. Brody's 20th birthday! Holy cow! I can hardly believe that either. Seems like just yesterday we were riding bikes up and down the gravel road racing to see who could make the longest skid mark in the gravel with our breaks. I truly hope for nothing short of the best for Brody, he's an amazing guy and deserves a good year!
November has also already brought a lot of work for me. I have been subbing every day, and have found that I truly despise working in middle school... and have also found out (the hard way- I might add) that I should not take middle school subbing jobs! Just a little side note to keep for myself at a later date, in case I should attempt it again- Someone please kindly remind me not to! I have subbed a few days back in Camas, but unfortunately (* and fortunately) at the newer schools. I have not been back to visit any of my former schools, but have had the opportunity to run into and work with some of my old teachers. It's nice to see familiar faces and be remembered.
Izzy girl has gotten big! She's growing like a weed to say the least! She has another shot appointment here in a week or so, I am curious to find out how much she weights now. Her and Zeus love to destroy tennis balls and fight over toys constantly. It's funny how neither of them are interested in a toy, until one of them has it, then suddenly they both HAVE to have it! I guess this is a good precursor before we decide that children are a near possibility... good practice as many have told me...
Friday, October 16, 2009
3 Months
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Turning Over A New Leaf... get it?!
Speaking of puppy... Izzy is getting huge! Steve and I can hardly believe how big she has gotten!

We've been working really hard to kennel train her, and as of recently the barking seems to have subsided a bit... Keep your fingers crossed for us! She has been doing pretty well with potty training, however when her parents are lazy and ignore the barks at the door, she punishes us by dropping a poop bomb in the living room. Excellent!
Last week was a pretty slow work week for me. I worked 2 days, but also had 3 interviews--One for Camas, one for Hockinson, and one for Vancouver. They all hired me for subbing. So all together I am now subbing for La Center, Ridgefield, Hockinson, Battle Ground, Evergreen, Vancouver and Camas. I think that just about covers this entire area, don't you? This coming week however I am completely booked up, including 2 days at my placement school from last year- Truman, and two days in a Special Ed classroom. It will be nice to be at my old school and be with familiar faces as well as have the possibility of running into some old students. I have also gotten wind of a full time sub position at Truman. The new second grade teacher is pregnant, and they are asking me to take the position of her long term substitute starting in February. I would be back working with my old team of teachers and it would mean steady (and more) income through the end of school year.
Things with Steve and I are going very well.. so well that we are moving in together. We went last week and canceled my lease for the apartment and I will be living at his house. Our new location will be in Salmon Creek. It is already a very nice change and we are loving the new arrangements. Now the only stress is making sure that we get everything out of the apartment and either into the house or into the storage unit by the 31st.
This weekend has left me feeling a bit under the weather, not sure if it was something I ate or a touch of the flu. So yesterday was a day of rest in bed while Steve was at work, and today is a day of trying to curb my appetite with things that settle well and watching some football with my insanely football crazed man... yes Steve I am talking about you. ♥
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Wow... Major Update Needed
Upon leaving Felton, Steve and I decided to take an extra day or so to get home. We drove to West Yellowstone and stayed the night there in order to wake up early the next morning and spend the next day driving all through Yellowstone National Park.
When we returned home, we headed to pick up our new bundle of joy (well sometimes..). Welcome Home Izzy!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Longing for Fall
This past weekend I attended the Gaynor's Company Picnic with Steve. We had a fun time, and even walked away with some awesome prizes... ok maybe not what we were hoping for, but we still had fun and in the end that's all that matters.
Sunday Steve and I went to see The Final Destination in 3D. It was my first 3D movie ever, and I must say it was quite the experience. I found myself pulling down my 3D glasses for fear of things flying at my face. Overall it was a very good movie-- although I'm biased and have really liked all the Final Destination movies-- we had fun together. Steve and I also went over for Sunday night dinner at Mom's house. Tacos... need I say more?! Didn't think so.
This week consists of getting more things in order for subbing before I leave for vacation. I figure I shouldn't procrastinate on this particular subject since I'd like to get to work once I return from Vacation. Plus once we return home, it's puppy time!!! That means this little lady is going to be very busy! But I'm not complaining.. yet. I'm very excited!
I'm sure there will be a frustrated puppy post later on this month... And ones filled with love. And more pictures.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Puppy Update
She is so adorable! I held her the whole time and was tempted to not put her down as I began to leave. Her brothers and sisters are adorable as well. They are all so cute and different in their own way. My little love is a bit smaller then the rest (fingers crossed that this is a sign she will be a medium-big dog instead of a BIG dog).

She's got lots of love to give, which is so wonderful because as I held on to her I realized just how much love I have to give to her. ♥
I wouldn't want one of the special men in my life to be left out either, so I snapped this picture over the weekend as well.

Meet Steve's dog Zeus. He, as well as Steve, has joined the ranks of the important men in my life. ♥
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
It's Funny...
Now that my venting session is over, here's an update:
This past weekend was spent with a road trip to Great Falls, Montana to move the little brother. Talk about a drive. Being crammed into a moving truck, 3 humans + 1 dog= tight quarters. Tension was running high among the members of this trip, including the dog (who became very antsy and attempted to lift his leg to pee on one of the hotel beds during our journey). Extremely early mornings, long stretches of rolling hills, and lots of "bonding time" left us all at our wits end as we arrived in Great Falls. Tears were shed, words were said and then we moved on, just like families do.
Upon arriving though, things moved pretty quickly. My brothers new neighbor decided to come out a greet us, and then pretended to be The Hulk and lift things out of the truck that he probably shouldn't have been lifting. I stayed in the back of the truck and moved things to be brought in by the guys. As I watched The Hulk do his hulk-like thing, I found that I became a nervous wreck because it was pouring down rain, he was wearing sandals, and kept slipping on the lift of the truck. I was waiting for a bloody nose or cracked skull, but when all was said and done, no injuries occurred- except for a few smashed fingers on my part.

Lap Dog
Photo Session While Driving

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Things That Have Kept Me From Blogging:
Unpacking: I have so many boxes that it's almost impossible to move around in my new place. And then when I get some emptied, where am I supposed to put them since the dumpster and recycling bin is a little ways away?! Well they just get stacked and then I find that I'm trapped into one section of my place. Such a fun process. And to think I'm going to have to do it all again in 7 months.
Relationship: That's right! I have the best man in the world! I couldn't ask for anything better! We're completely and totally infatuated with each other! We're even taking a vacation together in 24 days! Stay tuned for more. ♥
Another Move: My brother is moving to Montana. Tomorrow begins our journey to move him. It's going to be quite the trek, but hopefully we'll all have fun along the way.
As you can see, one word describes my life this past couple weeks: Busy.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Moving & Puppies & Guns... Oh My!
Saturday I went out to see the puppies, and let me tell you... I'm in love! ♥ They were all so cute and sweet but one little girl stole my heart.

Here are some of the others. I wish I could take them all!

On Sunday Brody, Steve and I took a trip up to Larch Mtn. to shoot some guns. I have had the urge to go shooting for quite some time now, but no one ever really took me seriously. Until now.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Kitten Update
This is how he spent the morning sleeping. How can you not love this guy?! I came home last night after bumming some AC off my mom's house, and realized just how quiet and lonely my place got in a matter of an evening. Guess that means that it's time for the puppy to come home!! ♥
Monday, July 27, 2009
My Life... as of Lately.

Let the parade begin!
This years theme was Pirates. It was fun seeing all the kiddos dressed up in the parade.

Mom likes to pick on us. We glare back.
Little did we know that they'd be giving away free T-P. We had to run over to Safeway to get a bag so that way we'd have more free hands.
Overall, Camas Days was well... Camas Days. It was nice being out and about with family. Fighting crowds is always a good bonding experience.
Yesterday I went to leave to head over to my mom's house for our usual Sunday dinner. I opened my apartment door, hands full and ready to start up the AC in the car, when a little kitten ran into my apartment. I asked him where he was from, unfortunately he did not answer. I didn't have the heart to throw him back out into the heat. So I gave him water and made a few phone calls. After walking up and down to my different neighbors hoping one of them would claim him, he decided to have a nice nap.
Needless to say, this little guy still resides in my apartment. I have posted signs, and have not received any phone calls. Let me know if you'd like to claim him. Until then, I guess we just hang out in the heat together.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Fast Forward
I also have some other exciting news to share! I am getting a puppy! yes that's right, a puppy, no need to reread that sentence, it's not a joke. (unless that is for some reason the puppies aren't born or something) The puppies are due any day now and then I'll have to wait a little while before I can bring my bundle of love home. But I am VERY EXCITED!!! They are Labrador Retrievers and by the looks of the first litter that Clyde and Lily (mom and dad) had they are going to be stinkin' cute!! I've already been looking at things for him/her and trying to decide on names and all the fun stuff that comes with having a doggie! It seriously could not be better timing! I am so stoked!! (more to come about the doggie I'm sure ) ♥
I finally feel like I am getting back to my old self these days. I still fight the urge to slip back into my post-school depression phase, but I force myself to stay busy. Plus now that I am moving I don't really have a choice but to stay busy, so that is very helpful! I have a feeling that this summer-- although much different then I was expecting it to be-- is going to be a great summer. I've already met new people, had lots of fun conversations, and am going to have a jam-packed next month. I can't wait to get into my new place, get everything set back up and settled in, start preparing for the arrival of my puppy and just be me again. Like I said, it's going to be a great summer.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Domestic Goddess
Today I fully intend to continue my domestication... how? I will decide that after a nice trip to the gym. (my simple way to start my days with sanity)
I've also realized that I need to start taking some more pictures and post some here on my blog. Maybe this evening when I go for my walk I will see what I can capture. I'd like to take more pictures in general and hopefully I can find a way to make it an everyday thing. Beware I am packing and moving here real soon, so there will probably be pictures of my messy, bare, old home and my messy, unpacked new home.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Good Week
Yesterday I spent majority of the day taking my Great Grandma to run her errands. It started by picking her up from her weekly hair appointment (this is where I get my priorities-- a fabulous girl DOES NOT cancel her hair appointments, even at 96 years old) we then snagged my brother and headed to the Chinese Garden for a fabulous lunch. Then it was off to the routine blood test and then to pick up some groceries. We had a fun day together, even if it was just taking care of those weekly tasks.
My brother is officially "free." If you don't know what I mean by that, don't ask. We spent some quality BrotherSister time last night. Cooking dinner, watching reruns, and then eating ice cream while watching a movie that we both voted at the end, was not so good.
I finished reading the book I had mentioned a few posts back (during my blah-blah days & update) and I am sure now that it was the fact that I was in the wrong mindset to be reading a book because once I finished, I realized that it was in fact a great book! Now I'm on to another! I look forward to going to bed at night so I can curl up and read. That and lately my body has been exhausted and often sore. But I am not complaining! ♥
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Smiling with a Chance of Rain
Today as I sit in my living room, freezing, I realize that although it is July, it feels more like March. I have been wearing jackets, socks (which aside from working out, my toes have been free for quite some time now) and curling up under blankets in order to stay warm. I have been looking out the windows all day wondering if the clouds that are outside are going to bring rain?! If so, I can't wait to open all the windows and take in the wonderful smell of summer rain!!! It is honestly, hands down, one of my most favorite things!
Things in my life have been changing a lot recently, and I see this weeks weather change as a precursor to my life so far this summer. Although it is cloudy right now, I feel that my life is going to be getting brighter and sunnier. I am happy about this. I have begun packing my place for the move in August (yes it's early, but since I have the summer off I figure why not start early), I've been reading, I've been working out, & I've been happily cooking myself very delicious dinners!
As I wait out the possibility of rain (fingers are crossed), I can't help but consider a few things. The need to go to Seattle. The desire to figure out just how I want to decorate my new place. And the thoughts of fun things to come this week.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Expect The Expected
Let's begin with a question... Since when did it become ok to not act with others feelings in mind? Apparently I didn't get the memo that said, "People no longer have feelings, they don't care if you blow them off, they don't care if you are rude, they love to be walked all over, and totally dig it if you act like you never did any of these things." I wish I had gotten the memo, because I would have been properly warned, however I along with everyone else who did not receive this memo, have lived without the proper knowledge that my world is about to be turned into something that I, have in fact, decided never to be a part of-- and am proud of that fact. Get where I'm going here? I was raised with many thoughts placed into my head, but this one is the most important:: "Treat Others How You Wish To Be Treated." Am I the only one that was raised this way?! I sure hope not, but I am beginning to lose hope. Don't worry, I still intend to treat others fabulously, in hopes that I will soon be treated in that same sense. I have not given up all hope, and will never change who I am or how I am towards others.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I have been slacking on my gym visits this week, but am happy to report that I went tonight and it felt nice for a change. The sad part is that I don't even have a valid excuse for not going. And after going tonight, I will make sure that next week I step it back up! No excuses!
I have also been slacking on reading my book. I honestly don't know why I have taken so long to read this book, but It is my goal to finish it by next Thursday at the latest-- my motivation? Another book on hold to pick up at the library. And the fact that the book I am reading is itself a library book, so I better get with it! A little time management might be in order for my carefree lifestyle... I should be able to handle it.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Life in Limbo...Somewhat
1. It's officially summer, no school, no more college, no homework... supposed to be a relaxing and wonderful time right?! NOT! I have found that I have no idea what to do with myself. I have found that it's easy to fall into a funk once school is out and there is officially nothing that "has to be done right now." And that funk is one that I fell into. I am thankful that after talking to a few friends however that I am not the only one, as well as finding out that seasoned teachers go through the same exact thing. I think it is just a feeling of worthlessness.. you go from having 24 needy students who depend on you for the majority of a day, 7 days a week, to no one needing you at all. (considering the fact that I don't have children of my own or a pet) I am proud to say though, that after figuring out why it was that I was feeling so... BLAH!, I have begun to come out of it. I still don't quite know what to do with all my time, but I am slowly figuring it out.
2. I've joined a gym. Something I haven't been able to do for years because of the high demands of school. And I must say, that it is very nice. I don't "work-out" on my own (i.e running treadmills or lifting weights with the big guys) but I do go to classes and have met some really nice instructors as well as some nice people that take the classes as well. It is more my style to take a class, and I have found that I am feeling much better about myself.
3. I've laid out by the pool a few times already this summer. (working out has helped the comfort level in that area as well) I met a nice lady who just moved into the complex a few months ago. Ironically both times that I have been down by the pool, she has been there with her daughter as well. Sadly, as I write this, I realize that I don't even know her name.. so that is a must the next time I see her. Oops! She is very nice to talk to and I have learned a lot from her already in two visits. **more to come about "pool lady story" later.
4. Sleep has been non-existent in my life lately. I go to bed at night, read like normal, and then shut the light off and toss and turn for about 2 hours (which is so unlike me- usually I hit the pillow and can't even read for 10 min and my eyes are shut). But then the downfall to this is that in the morning (once I am finally asleep and feeling good) I don't want to get up. So I've been forcing myself to get up- no matter how tired I feel or how comfy my bed feels, but then another downfall occurs... NAPS! I have found that I have either actually taken a nap or really really wanted to nap on a daily basis. The only days that I haven't napped (which are very few) are those where I am with someone (such as having coffee with Kara during the afternoon) or where I have errands to do--which is well, basically never. My naps are out of pure boredom and lack of motivation. And you would think that by working out (sometimes twice a day) that I would be a tuckered out little girl by the time night rolls around. I have got to get to the bottom of this, ASAP!
5. I'm moving in August. I am very excited, there is something about unpacking and putting things into their new places, reorganizing things and redecorating that makes me feel at ease. I have figured that if I start packing slowly now, that come August I wont feel so rushed to get everything ready to go. I have boxes that are ready to be packed up, now I just need to decide where to start and basically what I wouldn't need for another 2 months.
6. As I have said before, I need something to take care of. (As if myself at times isn't enough). I have decided to seriously start looking for a dog-- meaning doing some research into breeders, and how much it will end up costing me so that way a few months down the road I can seriously consider getting one. Either that or I am going to take back my cat from my moms house. Either way, I'm going to have to pay a pet fee for living in an apartment-- which stinks. I don't really understand why it costs so much, I mean I do, but I don't... But I'm willing to consider making the sacrifice.
So as you can see my summer is off to an EXCELLENT start (sense my sarcasm?), But honestly I know things could be a lot worse, however this whole 'transition into adulthood' phase is really screwin' with me. I am tired of the ups and downs, and well just plain tired apparently-even though I have no real excuse to be. But I have decided that I am going to throw myself into a few projects, or simply just try to relax and enjoy my summer of unemployment. My friends are great, and it helps to know that I am not the only one that is going through this awkward phase, it helps to break up the week by having coffee dates with them and sitting poolside (to happen this week). Nothing beats the company of my surrogate sisters. I have found that I am longing for the summers when my mom was off from work as well, although I know she has her own life, I do wish we'd have more time to just hang and do girl stuff together. We've been walking together a few days a week and that is nice, however it is somewhat "work" not leisure-girl time, so I don't think that counts. :)
Well, I'm off to start another Wednesday.. This one includes reading my book (that I have been slacking on reading and is due back to the library soon), getting a hair-cut (SUPER EXCITED-- one of the small joys in life that gets me every time), walking with mom (by the lake today-interested to see how things have changed- haven't been over that way in quite sometime), then back home for who knows what... dinner and more reading? A glass of wine? Online BINGO? (oh yes, that is another update:: I've become addicted to playing online BINGO...and I'm not proud, but can't seem to stop)
It felt good to write today, and as my mom has noticed, I've been seriously slacking on writing. So I fully intend to write more often, even if it is just a quick story or snip-it of what happened or is happening in the life of this gal. Until next time...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Comfort Food
Luckily tomorrow I am going in to see my kids. I am not saying they are perfect by any means, but I just miss them so much so I know it will be a wonderful day! It will completely cancel out everything that happened today. And the fact that my mom is going to come in and see the kids for a little while with me is going to make the day even more memorable. I'm excited for her to be able to finally put a face with a name and stories that I've shared with her.
I feel like a little kid around the holidays... I can't wait for tomorrow... I wish it would just be here right now!!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Puppies and Babies and Families oh my!
I also am suddenly hooked on "Tori and Dean- Home Sweet Hollywood." I came across it the other day when there was nothing else to watch on TV, and I am honestly hooked! I love watching it! I want to rent and watch the entire first season--I even went out to see if I could rent it yesterday, but sadly blockbuster did not have it.. Do they not know that I have a new obsession that needs to be met RIGHT NOW!!! haha. oh the things that reality TV can do to a girl.--even though I'm generally not a "reality junkie" but hey it's summer time and that means it's all about guilty pleasures right?! So I suppose that must mean that I have to admit that while I write this, I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee and watching.. yes... Tori and Dean... shh....
Ok so now for the real blog... (I feel I owe a "real" one since I have been neglecting my new endeavor lately)
I have been adjusting to the "I've graduated, now what?" life pretty nicely. I've been subbing everyday... that's right EVERYDAY!! and I love it! Some days have been easier then others, but I am still enjoying myself, and I'm completely exhausted by the end of the days/weeks. I've been searching for somewhere to work for the summer, but sadly I think this summer is going to be spent unemployed. I've been reading tons of great books-- you know the ones that you want to skip work just to read. I've also caught myself thinking a lot about my future. Where I will end up, what I'll be doing, who will be along for the ride with me, etc. It's strange, but I had a feeling that all this was coming. Oh the joys of becoming a Big Kid.
On Friday June 12th, I am heading into my classroom for the first time in what seems like ages (even though it's only been a matter of weeks). I feel that i've neglected them, but Ms. Hunter does need to make some dinero! As I called to talk to my mentor teacher (Joanne) she let me know that when I come on Friday to visit, the kids are throwing me a graduation party! Isn't that just about the cutest thing you've ever heard of!?! She said that the kids have been asking about me constantly and wondering where I am and why I'm not there with them. She said she had to explain to them that I was off working and making money... she said they were highly offended that I was "hanging out" with other kids. haha!
*I'll be sure to give you an update with my party!
Love ♥
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Talk About Terrifying
Morning: x5 first grade classes... ABC Yoga. (I totally made this up on the fly, but since it worked, I wrote it down and used it all morning) I had the students go through the alphabet from A all the way to Z by doing different poses or imitating different animals. We had a lot of fun!
Lunch: Made copies and cut out 125 squares.... talk about tedious work.
Afternoon: PE. The teacher left me mini-cones and two beach balls. (Again thinking to myself "What the hell?!?!? I don't know what to do with cones and beach balls!!") We ran some relays- starting with running, moving on to skipping and hopping on one foot and ending with the good ol' fashioned crab walk. Then we spread out within the cones and played my version of "hot potato" with the beach balls. I joined in and we all had so much fun playing that we almost forgot that it was time to go home!
Overall Conclusion About My Day: The morning began as a nightmare and I envisioned a good cry session at the end of the work day once I arrived back in the safety of my own home. But I found out that I really can do it, and I let it go, acted goofy and we had a blast! (and no tears once I arrived home)
As I was leaving, I stopped by and thanked the 1st grade teachers for all of their help today (I honestly, genuinely appreciated it). And we had a good laugh about the situation. They also ALL asked for my sub information because they said that the kids came back to their rooms and would not stop talking about me and they fun that they had. They said that was a good thing because normally they come back and say things like "that sub was weird!" but instead they talked about the games they played and the "fun sub" they had! (Go Me!!!)
Friday, May 22, 2009
It Feels Amazing pick up on things that got lost over the years in the piles of homework. Yesterday I joined Firstenburg and attended a toning class as well as a spin class. I had a blast and it feels amazing to be able to have time to work out and not feel guilty about it, when I should be doing homework--but I don't have any!!! have such beautiful weather! While I was teaching today, we opened the doors and windows and let the nice warm weather shine in on us. The kids loved it and couldn't wait to go out to recess. I love this time of year, but then again I'll be saying this again when it's turning Autumn. be so worn out, that all I want to do it sit at home and read a good book on a Friday night. I can honestly say I came home from working today and took a nap, didn't want to wake up, and can't wait to go to bed in a while. Nerdy-- I know. have a 3 day weekend ahead of me. I can't wait for the adventures that lie ahead of me in the upcoming days, even if it is just reading out in the sun or spending time with those I love, I'm excited. I'm hoping that spending time with a special someone is in order.... ♥
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
First Job
Favorite Part #1:
In a 2nd grade girl whisper voice "She's pretty...." a few minutes later...
2nd grade girls: "Ms. Hunter.. You're so pretty!"
Ms. Hunter: "Aw, thank you, you're such sweet girls!"
2nd grade girls: "no Ms. Hunter... you know when guys say that girls are hot?! well you are that kind of pretty, the hot kind of pretty!"
Favorite Part #2:
As I head to the office to return my key and collect my time card,
Secretary: "How'd it go today?"
Me: "It went so great! The kids are absolutely wonderful!"
Secretary: "Oh good! well that is until one of your students was caught peeing outside..."
Me: "What?!"
Secretary: "Oh ya.. it was (so and so), he said that he couldn't hold it any longer for his walk home, so he decided to start peeing on the side of the middle school building..."
How can you not love kids!? It's moments like today that I am reassured of the good in our world. They make you smile and laugh without even trying.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Busy Bee
Friday included rehearsal for Graduation, a final meeting with the cohort and Elaine (and tears), and a reception for the Education Department. I think it was Friday when this whole whirlwind hit me... I'm a big kid now....
Saturday was G-day! Graduation!!! I woke up early, feeling like a little kid waiting for Santa to come. I was ready far too early and found that I had to calm myself and force myself to just sit down and read for an hour. When the time finally came, the sun was shining, the family was present, and the excitement could possibly have been felt from miles around! Talk about an overwhelming experience...all I can really remember from the actual ceremony was getting up to the stage and telling myself... "don't'll look like a complete doof.. don't fall.." After the ceremony, it was time to PARTY!! We had great food, drinks and wonderful company! It's always so nice to see people you haven't seen for a while, and it's even nicer to have people want to be there spending your special day with you! And... of course we had... COSTCO CAKE!!! what's a graduation without Costco cake?!?!? not one I'd attend, that's for sure!
Sunday wrapped up the weekend with a family brunch. Basking in the sun, enjoying good food, and more wonderful company. Later that evening, we wanted to have a special dinner with the grandparents from Arizona, so we headed to downtown Camas and ate at the delicious Twilight Pizza... talk about a stuffed girl.. it was so worth it!! The came the good-byes... it's always hard to see people you love go back home, especially when it's back to Arizona. Guess that means that a vacation is in order... ASAP!
Monday (although not technically part of the weekend) started with the realization that I can now look for subbing jobs online in the Battle Ground School District. I went online, just to check and see how it looked and worked... and sure enough I sit here this evening and type this blog having booked 5 subbing jobs already! Talk about excitement!! I feel like a little girl running through the sprinkler! I just want to run around my apartment and squeal!!! Stay tuned for how tomorrow (first sub job) goes...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Kid Love

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Birthday-Mother's Day!

The afternoon included good food & HUGE cupcakes! A birthday candle wasn't to be found, but a mini tea light will do right?!
And yes, she was a trooper and joyfully ate the entire thing! Oh the joys of being 96, you answer to no one- not even your hips!
And don't you even think about taking his cake (or chips)! Rory sure showed us a good time and willingly gave kisses to everyone as he left.
Mother's Day started with a mother-daughter trip to Beavercreek to shop for plants. It was a beautiful drive, and a successful trip (we made it before they sold out!) & mom got some beauties to play with! Then it was Grandmie's turn... a trip to her favorite place (Arai Nursery) to pick up some beauties for her as well. The Arais' are so wonderful, they always welcome her with open arms and great conversation. And they are sure to sneak in some special flowers as a gift for her.
The day ended with a dinner to celebrate both Mother and Grandmother. It was delicious (if I do say so myself). And then we treated ourselves to dessert-- left over cupcakes! Yum!