Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Life in Limbo...Somewhat

Since it is the 1st official day of July, I've decided to turn over a new leaf in life.. and that is to write more often. I've heard that as a "blogger" I will often be saying things such as "sorry I haven't written" or "I promise to write more" but today begins the first round of that for this so called "blogger."

1. It's officially summer, no school, no more college, no homework... supposed to be a relaxing and wonderful time right?! NOT! I have found that I have no idea what to do with myself. I have found that it's easy to fall into a funk once school is out and there is officially nothing that "has to be done right now." And that funk is one that I fell into. I am thankful that after talking to a few friends however that I am not the only one, as well as finding out that seasoned teachers go through the same exact thing. I think it is just a feeling of worthlessness.. you go from having 24 needy students who depend on you for the majority of a day, 7 days a week, to no one needing you at all. (considering the fact that I don't have children of my own or a pet) I am proud to say though, that after figuring out why it was that I was feeling so... BLAH!, I have begun to come out of it. I still don't quite know what to do with all my time, but I am slowly figuring it out.

2. I've joined a gym. Something I haven't been able to do for years because of the high demands of school. And I must say, that it is very nice. I don't "work-out" on my own (i.e running treadmills or lifting weights with the big guys) but I do go to classes and have met some really nice instructors as well as some nice people that take the classes as well. It is more my style to take a class, and I have found that I am feeling much better about myself.

3. I've laid out by the pool a few times already this summer. (working out has helped the comfort level in that area as well) I met a nice lady who just moved into the complex a few months ago. Ironically both times that I have been down by the pool, she has been there with her daughter as well. Sadly, as I write this, I realize that I don't even know her name.. so that is a must the next time I see her. Oops! She is very nice to talk to and I have learned a lot from her already in two visits. **more to come about "pool lady story" later.

4. Sleep has been non-existent in my life lately. I go to bed at night, read like normal, and then shut the light off and toss and turn for about 2 hours (which is so unlike me- usually I hit the pillow and can't even read for 10 min and my eyes are shut). But then the downfall to this is that in the morning (once I am finally asleep and feeling good) I don't want to get up. So I've been forcing myself to get up- no matter how tired I feel or how comfy my bed feels, but then another downfall occurs... NAPS! I have found that I have either actually taken a nap or really really wanted to nap on a daily basis. The only days that I haven't napped (which are very few) are those where I am with someone (such as having coffee with Kara during the afternoon) or where I have errands to do--which is well, basically never. My naps are out of pure boredom and lack of motivation. And you would think that by working out (sometimes twice a day) that I would be a tuckered out little girl by the time night rolls around. I have got to get to the bottom of this, ASAP!

5. I'm moving in August. I am very excited, there is something about unpacking and putting things into their new places, reorganizing things and redecorating that makes me feel at ease. I have figured that if I start packing slowly now, that come August I wont feel so rushed to get everything ready to go. I have boxes that are ready to be packed up, now I just need to decide where to start and basically what I wouldn't need for another 2 months.

6. As I have said before, I need something to take care of. (As if myself at times isn't enough). I have decided to seriously start looking for a dog-- meaning doing some research into breeders, and how much it will end up costing me so that way a few months down the road I can seriously consider getting one. Either that or I am going to take back my cat from my moms house. Either way, I'm going to have to pay a pet fee for living in an apartment-- which stinks. I don't really understand why it costs so much, I mean I do, but I don't... But I'm willing to consider making the sacrifice.

So as you can see my summer is off to an EXCELLENT start (sense my sarcasm?), But honestly I know things could be a lot worse, however this whole 'transition into adulthood' phase is really screwin' with me. I am tired of the ups and downs, and well just plain tired apparently-even though I have no real excuse to be. But I have decided that I am going to throw myself into a few projects, or simply just try to relax and enjoy my summer of unemployment. My friends are great, and it helps to know that I am not the only one that is going through this awkward phase, it helps to break up the week by having coffee dates with them and sitting poolside (to happen this week). Nothing beats the company of my surrogate sisters. I have found that I am longing for the summers when my mom was off from work as well, although I know she has her own life, I do wish we'd have more time to just hang and do girl stuff together. We've been walking together a few days a week and that is nice, however it is somewhat "work" not leisure-girl time, so I don't think that counts. :)

Well, I'm off to start another Wednesday.. This one includes reading my book (that I have been slacking on reading and is due back to the library soon), getting a hair-cut (SUPER EXCITED-- one of the small joys in life that gets me every time), walking with mom (by the lake today-interested to see how things have changed- haven't been over that way in quite sometime), then back home for who knows what... dinner and more reading? A glass of wine? Online BINGO? (oh yes, that is another update:: I've become addicted to playing online BINGO...and I'm not proud, but can't seem to stop)

It felt good to write today, and as my mom has noticed, I've been seriously slacking on writing. So I fully intend to write more often, even if it is just a quick story or snip-it of what happened or is happening in the life of this gal. Until next time...

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